
European Quality Association for Recycling e.V. (EQAR)

The European Quality Association for Recycling e.V. (EQAR) is the European roof organization of national quality protection organizations and producers of quality-controlled recycled building materials from the EU member states.

In accordance with the Articles of the Association adopted by the founder members in the centre of the activities of the Association there are

  • promotion of the international cooperation and
  • exchange of experience between the national quality protection organizations and their members and
  • know-how transfer and
  • support in spreading the idea of quality protection and quality assurance of recycled building materials on European level.

To reach its aims EQAR in complete consensus with the Articles of the Association confesses to cooperate with further construction and building material recycling relevant international organizations.

It is open to national and international quality associations and enterprises producing quality-controlled products and their sponsoring members to become members of Associaton.